It seems like the skull is more popular than ever as a design element. From fashion to street art, the skull has become a ubiquitous icon. It got me thinking, why is the skull so popular these days? If you look back at it's history, it seems to be a symbol with grim connotations. The most common place you were likely to see a skull 50 years ago was probably on a bottle of poison. Which makes sense, because its sort of a universal archetype for danger and potential death. Which got me thinking, perhaps all these designers and artists are drawn to this symbol, because sub-consciously they are making a statement, that whatever they are putting the skull on is poisonous. The fact that the skull is everywhere these days, and has saturated the marketplace as an icon, is really a commentary that our society itself and everything around us, from the mass produced clothing made in sweatshops to the buildings and property that are part of an unfeeling capitalist system, are really all poisonous, and killing us slowly.
Or maybe they just look cool.
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